Custody Report Pro© Welcome

Hello, thank you for stopping by to learn about Custody Report Pro© – you’ll be glad you did; We have what you want!

There are a couple of reasons for me to say that.

  1. We have extensive experience in the field of child custody evaluations; now sometimes referred to as Parenting Plan and Timesharing Evaluations and some also refer to them as Social Investigations. For over 20 years Dr. Evans has conducted many child custody evaluations. I know the field.
  2. Our challenges and needs in this field are pretty much the same as yours. We have conducted a brief informal survey of custody evaluators around the country and what you told me was the most challenging part of these evaluations is the report preparation. You hate that! Given our experience with custody evaluations, we really agree. The most challenging and time consuming part of the process is preparing the report.

Custody Report ProYou may already have a report template and evaluation process, but if you do, then you know these evaluations are labor intensive. Just setting up a template is not the whole story – you have to collect data – lots of data; information about each parent from each of them, information about children from both parents, data from collateral informants – a lot of data; and that takes time. And then you or someone who works for you has to input the information into your template and word processor.

If you are relatively new to these evaluations you quickly learn these are harder than you thought.

And somewhere in the back of your mind you’ve said to yourself:

“There has to be a better way”! Well…There is… and that’s why you’re here.

Your knowledge and expertise with these evaluations has taught you how to conduct a good evaluation – But it hasn’t taught you how to MAXIMIZE your efficiency. And besides your hands are full getting the evaluations in and executing them as quickly as possible.

That’s where we come in!

Based on our understanding of the process and your needs we developed our newest product – Custody Report Pro©. Click on the Custody Report Pro button below so we can tell you a little about it. Then we’ll show you how to get in and try it out.

Custody Report Pro©